Save Manual Screenshots Data

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Joined: 05 Apr 2020, 21:31

06 Apr 2020, 00:46

Save " Choose Shots Manually" Data somehow, in another file? in .vtx data? other suggestions?

I usually choose shots manually as I'm a perfectionist.

I'm aware that as long as the file is in the list, it saves the shots times, but once you remove the file from the list, it's gone.

Sometimes I make what I think is the perfect manual shots, then later after I find out that I could improve maybe just 1 of the shots, i have to manually enter each timestamp, just to change 1 of them. This is very time consuming.

Not sure if something can be done about this, but putting the idea out there.

Just now I have a a 15 shots sheet. i want to adjust just 1 of the shots, but i have to re-create the sheet then just change one shot
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07 Apr 2020, 09:52

Thank you for your request.
I will think how to help you with it.

At the first glance it is not an easy task to implement.
Posts: 23
Joined: 05 Apr 2020, 21:31

07 Apr 2020, 20:24

Thank you for the consideration.
Posts: 23
Joined: 05 Apr 2020, 21:31

28 Apr 2020, 20:34

there is a way to save filter data and load filter settings...

maybe if there was an option to save manual custom shots data and load it as well. that way it's optional
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