Well down to brass tacks, would it be possible to create a "grouping of folders" in the filter results pane? When I search for files with "folder" as filter, it will show all the files with "xyz folder name" but there may be variables to that filter like "xyz1, xyz_bc, xyzA47, etc, etc.". This is great since I have files spanning over 4 hard drives. The problem is the results from the "folder filter" it will show all files in one continuous list. I have to hover mouse over each file and see the "popup detail info" show exactly where the file's folder location is. Something like what windows explorer does when sorting by folder is checked, example:
I am currently moving all videos into one hard drive and sorting videos by actress name. In each parent folder I have also another subfolder for VR video files. Currently I am filtering by name, then moving everything into new created actress name folder, then filter again for VR tag and moving into created VR folder into that actress parent folder. This could be much more efficient if I could just see all files grouped by the folder location and shift select many files at once and move into folders instantly without doing multiple filter runs.
Also could we have a Dark Theme option? It would really help with the eyes late at night.