[Feature Request] Ability to Quick Add an Artist from Edit Mode

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Joined: 06 Apr 2020, 01:07

14 Jul 2023, 21:10

Quite often I'll have a video that needs a new entry for an actor before I can link them to the video. This currently requires a number of clicks before I can add an artist and link them to the video. It would be very useful to have a hotkey that instantly brings up the Add Artist screen. Then, if a video was selected when the hot key was pressed it would automatically link the artist to the video.

Additionally, it would be incredibly helpful to be able to move the miscellaneous windows that pop up for tags and artists. They almost always pop up over the selected video which often has useful information in the filename that I'm trying to use for that action. Like the spelling of the artist's name if I'm adding a new artist.
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31 Dec 2023, 17:44

There are already hotkeys for quick accessing Tags, Artists, Sites for selected Items:
Z - Tags
X - Artists
C - Sites
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