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A request to enhance copy / move ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2023, 03:06
by VictorZ
Happy 2023! It's been a while since I posted in the forum, I hope all is well with you and yours.

I've got what I think is a quick and easy feature wish. I collect and collate lots of video files, and thumbnails (VTX) in multiple directories, etc., though generally the two don't co-reside ... that is, I have thumbnail directories separate from the video directories. Part of my process is to go large collections of videos in a "dump" directory, and sort / winnow down the pile by moving them to other, targeted / specialized directories. The process may take a few iterations as decisions are made as to what to keep, what to toss, where to categorize, etc.

In the current VTX viewer, there are options to COPY or MOVE the VTX file to a different directory ... to copy or delete the video file ... or to delete both the video and VTX at once. What I'd like to see is a way to MOVE the video file. Right now, that can be done by performing both a COPY action, then a DELETE action. Two steps. Being able to do this in one step would be nice. If I want to move BOTH items, this takes three steps. I have ways I can work around this ... but at the end of the day, sorting into distinct piles makes organization easier ... for me at least.

Perhaps my process is overly complicated, but it seems like at least a MOVE option for the video files should be easy to implement and would reduce some of the work.

Ideally ... I'd like to have the option to move BOTH the VTX and the original video file to a different directory through a one-button selection. This way I can set up ranked directories as I go through the process.

On a related noted ... and on a feature I know I've asked about in the past ... I would still love to see a way to save / export both the "source" and "output" folder pair settings to be able to quickly and easily call up a paired set to update the content in those folders. I appreciate the additions in the past that have enhanced this process ... the culling of orphans, etc. ... and I know I can save the "output folder" setting in a *.VTS file, so we're halfway there, but I don't think there's a way to call up both the source and output folder settings at once from a saved settings file. I don't generally change much of anything else, having settled on the format of the thumbs which remains consistent across multiple directories. So all that would be needed would be just the source/destination pair. This is much less of a hassle as, at least, I can get halfway there with the current capabilities by loading the distination via .VTS file and dragging the source to the window, but every little improvement helps! :D

As always, kudos on a great set of utilities!! and thank you for your consideration.

Victor Z

Re: A request to enhance copy / move ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2023, 19:38
by admin

Videonizer is great in moving files and screenlists.
But your point is also reasonable.
I will check what I can do in the Viewer.

Thank you for your request.

Re: A request to enhance copy / move ...

Posted: 26 Feb 2023, 02:27
by VictorZ
I have paid versions of both programs ... Thumbnail Maker and Videonizer ... and admit I haven't really looked at using the latter to move files around as VTM just feels more comfortable in my workflow. Thank you very much for your consideration to add this option to Thumbnail Maker and for your support of these excellent programs.

Victor Z

Re: A request to enhance copy / move ...

Posted: 29 Mar 2023, 21:27
by admin
Implemented in VTM and PTV