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Updated to v1.2.3.9 (TC Edition)
X3 Terran Conflict support is added.
New installer detects X3 Terran Conflict only. If you want to use new scripts with X3 Reunion or X2 The Threat - you have to copy them manually or use v1.2.3.8.
Ice asteroids support is added (info and search) .
Scripts are updated (main and bonus).
"Readme_X3_map.doc" is updated.

Updated to v1.2.3.8
Better 3D sector-map drawing. Now the selected object properly interacts with the axises.
Two new button in the upper right corner of the map. The first one calls F1 help window. The second one calls F2 options window.
F1 help window is updated.
Small buttons are redrawed ant their positions are slightly changed.
"Readme_X3_map.doc" is updated.

Updated to v1.2.3.7
"Quantity/free space" indicator (progress-bar) is added to the object's info.
New option - anti-aliasing (smoothing) for hyper-gates lines and coordinate lines in the sector-map (check F2 window).
The «Spin»/«Stop» button in the 3D-view of the sector-map allows you to start and stop auto-rotation in the 3D-view. "Autorotation" checkbox removed from F2 window.
When an object is selected in the sector-info window you have two further graphic-options and two new buttons are available in the 3D-view on the sector-map window. The «Aim» shows a line to the object from the centre of the sector. The «Disk» shows a horizontal circle (disk) centered around the vertical (Y) axis, with a radius that touches the object, as in the image above.
Now the program always remembers the sector-map window preferences.
F2 options window is reorganized.
"Readme_X3_map.doc" is heavily updated.

Updated to v1.2.3.6
Bonus icons set is available (check the options).
One main-script file is updated.
Bonus-script language files were updated (ger, fra, spa).
"Readme_X3_map.doc" is updated.


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