follow follow

Updated to v7.2.0.0

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: A S D W hotkeys as an alternative for those who can't use Mouse Scroll or PageUp / PageDown keys.
new: Support of the latest VTM screenlists.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v7.1.0.0

changed: Few cosmetic changes.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: The "Move deleted files to Recycle Bin" setting in the "Preferences" window. Default: ON.

new: Support of the latest VTM screenlists.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v7.0.0.0

new: A lot of new Custom Matrices (50 in total) in the Options window. Big Tiles are numbered. Click on the picture below to see the full list.

new: Enhanced Preview feature in the Options window. You can see the dimension percentage numbers and the Tile number in the center. Tile example:

new: Three new Preview buttons in the Options window. For Landscape, Portrait and Mixed preview. In the Mixed preview Portrait Tiles are drawn on a lighter background to distinguish from Landscape ones.

new: The "All-in-one mode" setting in the Environment window. Creates a single picture for all the files added (not archives) with the "[All-in-one]" tag at the end of the filename. Default: OFF.

new: The "Accent on Folders" subsetting of the "All-in-one mode" makes PTM focus on an array of folders rather than files taking a picture from each folder, then the next one and so on in a loop. Default: OFF.
new: Both settings were added to the "Quick Settings" section of the main window.
changed: Tiles inside Custom Matrices are numbered one by one from left to right, from top to the bottom (previously the Big Tiles were numbered in the first place).
changed: The "Use Special Matrices 1-50" algorithm has been changed to be fully automatic. The dropdown list of matrices has been removed.

changed: The installer checks the date of Base Presets not to overwrite the modified ones.
changed: Base presets have been changed slightly to fill the screen better. You will be asked to overwrite Base Presets during the installation.
fixed: Various minor bug fixes.

Updated to v6.0.0.0

new: GIF animation creation speed has been increased significantly.
new: The "Use processed images" checkbox for GIF animations in the "Environment" window. Set it ON to use Tiles instead of original images to create a GIF animation. Default: OFF.

new: The "WebP" image type checkbox for animated and non-animated WebP files in the "Add files with the following extensions" section of the "Environment" window. Default: ON.

new: The "Show Captions" (default: ON), the "SET Name" (default: OFF) and the "Selected Count" (default: ON) checkboxes in the Summary Section of the "Options" window.

new: New Tags for the "Comment" field in the Summary Section of the "Options" window: [RESOLUTIONS], [SET] - Name, [COUNT] - depends on the Options, [SIZE] - depends on the Options, [FORMATS], [TECH] - Bits / DPI, [PARENT FOLDER].

changed: The "Substitute automatically" PTX-feature now takes into account the enabled file extensions in PTM.
fixed: Windows scaling factor does not influence the resolution of the resulting thumbnail sheet anymore.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: You can select VTX-animation file types separately to display in addition to the "Browse only VTX files" feature in the "Preferences" window. They are: WebP, WebM, MP4, MKV, GIF, OGV.

new: WebP file extension has beend added to the "Choose from disk" PTX-feature file browser.
new: Support of VTM screenlists.
new: Support of PTM thumbnail sheets.
changed: Windows scaling factor does not influence the resolution of displaying pictures anymore.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v5.8.0.0

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: The "Move Video" feature in the main context menu (hotkey: Ctrl+M).
new: The "Move Both - Video and Picture" feature in the main context menu (hotkey: Ctrl+Shift+M).

Updated to v5.7.0.0

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: Hardware accelerated playback of Animations.
new: The "Show the File Counter Panel (it displays the Current position / Total count of files in the folder)" in the "Preferences".
new: The "Hide File Info Panel completely (when leaving the most right and middle area of the window)" in the "Preferences".
fixed: Different Animation playback drawbacks.

Updated to v5.6.0.0

new: The "Use modern Windows Folder Browser as a Classic Folder Browser" in the "Environment" window. It is more advanced, but you can still use the old one by turning the setting OFF. The default value is ON.

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: Support of VTM screenlists.
new: Playback of VTM-animations in AV1 format (both MP4 and MKV).
new: The "Use modern Windows Folder Browser as a Classic Folder Browser" in the "Preferences" (CTRL+P hotkey).

Updated to v5.5.0.0

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: The mouse "Back" button navigates you 1 level back or closes the Viewer.
new: You can use the "T" hotkey to delete the corresponding Video file.
new: You can use the "L" hotkey to delete both the Video and the Screenlist.

Updated to v5.4.0.0

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: Support for VTM screenlists.

Updated to v5.3.0.0

special note: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8+ is required to run the application.
new: Faster loading.
new: The "Place files one level upper" checkbox in the Environment window (F3 hotkey) and in the "Quick settings" in the main window. The feature is available only when the "Save thumbnails to specified folder" checkbox is OFF.

changed: Few cosmetic changes.
fixed: Output files were not produced under certain rare circumstances.

Updated to v5.2.0.0

new: The "Landscape Only" under the "Detect 1-2 sized sets" checkbox in Options skips all portrait pictures in 1-2 sized sets. The "Portrait Only" skips landscapes.

changed: Few cosmetic changes.
fixed: The "Detect 1-2 sized sets" worked totally wrong for the "Uniform distribution" source sequence.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: Support for VTM screenlists.
changed: The "Locate Video" hotkey has been changed from F5 to F3.
fixed: Screenlists did not open when VTM executable was not present beside the PTV executable.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v5.1.0.1

changed: The way of connecting to the site has been updated to a more stable version.

Updated to v5.1.0.0

new: "Filename/Naturally" Source Sort Order in Options. Applies the "Natural Sort Order" algorithm.

fixed: Some folders might be skipped when adding folders recursively under rare circumstances.

Updated to v5.0.0.0

new: Support for RAR archives added (when 7-Zip is installed on your system, detected automatically).
changed: PTM settings are stored in the "Settings" branch of the Windows registry instead of the "Environment".
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: Support for RAR archives added (when 7-Zip is installed on your system, detected automatically). You can navigate through pictures in RAR archives using PTX files, but you still can't delete/rename files in RAR archives like you do for ZIP/7Z archives (RAR license restriction).
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v4.2.0.0

changed: The program stores all working files outside of the installation directory. These are log files and the folder named Options.
changed: The default installation paths for the 64 and 32-bit versions have become "C:\Program Files" and "C:\Program Files (x86)" respectively.
fixed: Sometimes Windows Mapped Network Drives were not listed in the Folder Browser.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
fixed: Sometimes Windows Mapped Network Drives were not listed in the Folder Browser.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v4.1.0.0

new: The "Show Remote Paths for Network Drives in the Folder Browser" setting has been added to the "Environment" -> "Appearance" window. The default value is ON.

fixed: Slow startup time when network drives are not available.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: VTX feature support for PotPlayer (32 and 64-bit) has been added.
new: It is possible to zoom with the number-row's +/- keys in addition to the number-pad's +/- keys.
new: The "ESCAPE key minimizes the window" option has been added to the Preferences (CTRL+P) under the "Viewer behavior" section.

new: The "Show Remote Paths for Network Drives in the Folder Browser" setting has been added to the Preferences (CTRL+P). The default value is ON.

fixed: Slow startup when network drives are not available.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v4.0.0.0

new: 32 and 64-bit versions of PTM are available. The 64-bit version has no 32-bit memory limitations. 64-bit versions should be used when possible.

new: "Frame Alignment" in Options. You can select which part of the picture to crop (Top, Center, Bottom) when the current "Framing Rule" needs to crop the picture height. You can select which part of the picture to crop (Left, Center, Right) when the current "Framing Rule" needs to crop the picture width. An indicator button shows your choice in the Options window. Click on the button to change values.

changed: Few cosmetic changes.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: 32 and 64-bit versions of the Viewer are introduced. The 32-bit version is shipped with 32-bit versions of PTM. The 64-bit version is shipped with 64-bit versions of PTM.

new: Support for the new Pictures Thumbnails Maker features is added.
fixed: The initial picture size was wrong when the first item to view at startup was the animation.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v3.1.0.3

please note: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5+ is required to run the program.
fixed: Folders in archives were processed incorrectly under rare circumstances.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
changed: Shift+Del hotkey is changed to Ctrl+Shift+Del for safety.
fixed: Navigation arrow keys were not working in Full Screen mode without Taskbar.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v3.1.0.2

changed: Few cosmetic changes.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: You can switch between Full Screen and Windowed modes in Preferences (hotkey: F11).
new: New "Show Windows Taskbar in Full Screen mode" checkbox is added to Preferences window.

new: VTX feature support for SMPlayer (9.5+) is added.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v3.1.0.1

changed: "MultiFiles" checkbox was added to "Quick Settings" panel on the main window.

changed: PTM asks for "Output folder" when selected one does not exist.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: Playback of VTM-MP4 (H.264 and H.265) and VTM-OGV animations is added.
fixed: "Out of memory" issue for long animations is fixed.
fixed: Double click on a Tile worked incorrectly on some environments.
fixed: Ampersand symbol (&) in paths was interpreted incorrectly.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v3.1.0.0

new: Overall stability is improved. "Memory economy" mode is removed. The program just saves the memory automatically.
new: Start calculations have become 2 times faster. "Please wait" animation is added to avoid confusion.
new: Main window refreshes its content in VTM manner after the start. You can view source and result files on the fly.
changed: You can add pictures of any size to the program. Previously it was limited by approximately 50 megapixels.
changed: The "Folder browser" dialog popups when user selected output folder does not exist.
fixed: "MultiFiles" option for archives was not working.
fixed: Archives were not imported using "Folder browser" in non-recursive mode.
fixed: "Total count" value for archives was calculated wrongly. All files were counted instead of only picture files.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: The Viewer searches for original pictures beside the PTX-file when absolute links are broken for some reason. The Viewer does not change the PTX file itself. If you want to change the broken link permanently (it has sense for Tile substitution), please check the feature below.
new: "Permanently substitute missing absolute paths for PTX Tiles to existing relative ones" option is added to Preferences (Ctrl+P). The option changes PTX-files permanently. "Tile Substitution" and "Auto-Substitution after Deletion" features will use PTX-file folder for affected Tiles.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker (VTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.

Updated to v3.0.0.1

new: 3 new processing states for Sets are added. They are: "Read-only", "Not enough memory" and "Zero-picture Set". They help to avoid confusion and distinguish different fail reasons.

new: "Clear zero-picture Sets" label is added to the main window. It allows to clear items in newly introduced "Zero-picture Set" state.

new: "Diag.log" button is added to the top right corner of the main window. CTRL+Click to clear the log file.

changed: "Diag.log" file has become more informative.
changed: "Memory economy mode" is set to ON by default in Settings.
fixed: Paths with ampersand symbol did not show correctly.

Updated to v3.0.0.0

new: "MultiFiles" feature is added. It forces PTM to create a new file each time when existing matrix capacity is exceeded (just like it is done in Video Thumbnails Maker). You can find "MultiFiles" checkboxes both in Options and Environment windows.

new: "Fit desired Tile Height and Crop Width" framing rule is added to Options window.

new: The Folder browser has been improved. The Address bar, which is located at the top of the Folder browser, displays the path of the currently selected folder. You can paste your path to go to a different folder.
fixed: Various minor bug fixes.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: WebP animation playback is improved.
new: Support for new Pictures Thumbnails Maker "MultiFiles" feature is added.
new: VTX feature support for KMPlayer 64-bit is added.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.11

new: New visual style for checkboxes and radiobuttons. It has become easier to understand relations between controls.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: New visual style for checkboxes and radiobuttons. It has become easier to understand relations between controls.
changed: "Use the default video player for that type of video" option is improved.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.10

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: VTX support for remote video files (HTTP URLs).
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.9

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: Support for WebP with non alpha transparency is added.

Introduction of Multimedia view in Videonizer 4

fixed: WebP animations with diacritic symbols in path were opened incorrectly.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.8

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: The Viewer tries to guess video location in "Locate video" dialog.
fixed: Jerky WebM playback in few previous releases of the Viewer.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.7

fixed: You can specify a drive letter (C:, D:, E: and so on) as a valid command line argument.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
fixed: Previous release of the viewer contained several bugs in its new feature.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.6

fixed: Rare bug related to Command Line Interface (double quotes).
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: The Viewer tries to guess video location for a broken link by the name of VTX file.
changed: The Viewer tries to show next picture in the folder when you delete current picture.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.5

changed: .TIF extension is added in addition to .TIFF extension.
changed: Few cosmetic changes.
fixed: "Restore last window position after restart" option did not work well in some cases.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: Advanced animation features.

New animation features demonstration

Tip: You can also find a tech demo of upcoming Videonizer 4 in the video above.

new: Playback for VTM WebM animations is added. VTX feature works for WebM as well.
new: Animation framerate is taken into account. Maximum supported FPS is 60.
new: You can Copy corresponding video file to desired location right from the Viewer.

new: VTX support for "MPC - BE (Black Edition)" is added.
changed: Animation playback was re-engineered to consume much more less computer resources.
fixed: Several rare bugs were fixed.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.4

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: Support for WebP animations is added. VTM version 9.1 is able to produce three completely different fypes of animation: WebM, APNG and WebP. You can learn more about the latest animation format WebP in the video below.

WebP demonstration

new: "Associate .WEBP extension with this program" button is added to "Preferences..." window.

special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.3

----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: Support for APGN animations is added. VTM version 9 is able to produce two completely different fypes of animation: WebM and APNG. You can learn more about animated video thumbnail sheets in the video below.

VIDEO THUMBNAILS MAKER: Animated video thumbnail sheets

new: "Browse only VTX file" option is added to "Preferences..." window. All other types of files will be ingored.

new: Viewer version is shown in "Preferences..." window.
new: Ctrl+P hotkey to open "Preferences..." window.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.2

changed: Minor cosmetic changes.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: "Close existing Video player instances before opening a new one (recommended)" is added to "Preferences..." window.
new: "Delete Both - Video and Picture" option is added to right mouse button context menu (Shift+Delete hotkey).

fixed: Non-alphabetical order of files in the Viewer under certain circumstances.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.1

new: "Total count" line in thumbnail sheet header is extended to "Selected count" and shows two values - actually selected count of pictures and total source count of pictures.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.8.0.0

changed: New Folder Browser dialog is used to select "Output Path" in Quick Settings, as well as in Environment window.
fixed: Folder Browser "Network" label did not move after resizing of the window.
fixed: There were rare false-positive reports from some anti-virus software.
----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
new: The Viewer has become MUCH MORE faster. You may notice it by cycling through pictures in a folder.
new: "Preferences..." context menu item is added. There you can configure "Double Left Mouse Button click behavior". For instance, you can select preferred Video Player and force the Viewer to open video at selected position in a double-click, without any questions. Selected Player will be used everywhere in the Viewer. The feature is demonstrated below.

VTX Viewer - Start The Scene in a Single Touch

new: "Copy Picture to..." and "Move Picture to..." context menu items are added.
new: "File Info" context menu item is added.
new: Supports of Media Player Classic (Home Cinema) 64 bit.
changed: "Zoom" context menu items are reworked.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.6.0.5

new: "SHIFT+Delete" hotkey removes items form the list of files without questions.
changed: "Detect 1-2 sized sets" is set ON by default for all default presets.
changed: Few cosmetic changes.
fixed: Pictures Thumbnails Viewer built wrong context menus for moved video and vtx files.
fixed: Ampersand symbol (&) in filenames was interpreted incorrectly.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.6.0.3

new: Double left mouse button click on a regular (non-VTX and non-PTX) picture in Picture Thumbnails Viewer goes a step back in history. It makes PTX-browsing more handy. Double click on a tile to view its source, double click on the source picture to get back to your PTX sheet.
changed: Few cosmetic changes.
fixed: It took a long time to start the job when a lot of files were added to the list of files to process.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.6.0.2

new: From now on the program takes into account the possibility of 1 pixel width and height difference for Landscape/Portrait oriented sets. For instance, 1500x1000, 1500x999, 1001x1500 resolutions will be rounded to 1500x1000, 1500x1000, 1000x1500 in calculations automatically.
new: Disk labels are added to Folder Browser dialog.
changed: "Detect 1-2 sized sets - Landscape only, Portrait only, or mixed sets (...)" option is now checked ON by default.
fixed: Tile background color was permanently white under certain circumstances.

Updated to v2.6.0.1

new: Blue icon is used to distinguish skipped items from normally processed items (green icon).

new: CTRL+Shift+Home, CTRL+Shift+End combinations can be used to select rows in the list of files to process.
changed: Pictures Thumbnails Viewer is updated. The update is non PTX-related. It is VTX-related only. Double middle mouse button click on a video thumbnail sheet starts the video with your system's default associated video player. If you target a tile, the video starts from the moment from which the thumbnail shot was taken!
changed: Few cosmetic changes.
fixed: Start button did not start the process under some rare circumstances.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.6.0.0

new: New Folder Browser dialog allows you to select multiple folders. You can also toggle "Add SubFolders recursively" feature ON and OFF right on the dialog form. "Switch to classic Browser" button allows you to select a single folder in the old-fashioned way (this also gives you networking capabilities, if necessary).

new: Installer detects if the required .NET Framwork is installed and if it is not - it will prompt, download and install the required package.
new: "Clear selected" button is added to the main window, it allows to remove selected items from the list of files ("Del" hotkey).
changed: Pictures Thumbnails Viewer is updated.
changed: Hotkey to add folders is changed: Shift+Ins -> Ctrl+Ins.
changed: Few cosmetic changes.
special note: If you use Video Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because VTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.

Updated to v2.5.0.3
new: "Open output folder" and "Choose output folder" buttons are added to the main window and to the Environment window.

changed: From now on you can drag the main window by clicking on the cottage logo. The feature is useful for small screen resolutions.
fixed: "Substitute automatically", "Choose form Disk" and some other Picture Thumbnails Viewer functions did not work under certain circumstances (current thumbnail sheet file was locked for any changes by the Viewer).
fixed: Few corrupted Picture Thumbnails Viewer dialogs in 125% Windows scaling mode are fixed.

Updated to v2.5.0.2
fixed: German translation is corrected a bit.

Updated to v2.5.0.1
new: German translation is added. You can switch to German interface in the Environment window (F3 hotkey).
new: Tooltips are added to cells of list of files. Tooltip is a pop-up window that displays information for an element in the interface.
changed: Filtering is added to "Add Files" operation. You can choose file types to filter in Environment window (F3 hotkey), "Add files with the following extensions" section. From now on that setting is used everywhere in the program (while adding files, folders, drag and drop operations).
changed: Few cosmetic changes.
fixed: PTM did not take into account the order of files in the list.
fixed: PTM failed to process a single file in the list.

Updated to v2.4.0.0
new: Support for 125% Windows scaling is added.
new: "Restore last window position after restart" option is added to Environment window.
changed: Few cosmetic changes.
fixed: Possible fullscreen restoration failure at startup on Windows Server 2008 (and, perhaps, on similar operation systems).

Updated to v2.3.0.1
new: Pictures Thumbnails Viewer, as a part of Pictures Thumbnails Maker, is updated to support new VTX feature, coming from Video Thumbnails Maker. You can start the video from the moment from which the thumbnail shot has been taken.

YouTube VTX Feature demonstration

new: You can specify "/?" or "/help" options to view current PTM command line options.
fixed: Pictures Thumbnails Viewer failed to start a file under some rare circumstances.
special note: The list of supported video players for VTX Feature can be found at forum topic

Updated to v2.1.0.3
new: Windows 125% scaling (120 dpi) support for Pictures Thumbnails Viewer is added.
new: Hand cursor is added to all clickable elements.
new: CTRL+Enter hotkey for "Start" button is added.
changed: Few cosmetic changes.
fixed: There were corrupted strings in Picture Thumbnails Viewer's context menus for all languages except of English.

Updated to v2.1.0.2
new: The program prevents thumbnail sheets from beeing added to the file list.

Updated to v2.1.0.1
changed: "Please wait" window has been redesigned.
fixed: "Check for the latest version online" function has been fixed.

Updated to v2.1.0.0
new: A brand new generation of universal image organizer and thumbnail sheets generator.


First release (v1.0.0.0)
First release of the program.


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